Active Duty & Deployment

Deployments can be hard on you and your family. We are here to support you during this difficult transition and will endeavor to make our part of it as smooth as possible. We hope that you will return to us after your deployment is over, and we wish you luck.
If you are called to Active Duty status while enrolled at the University of Michigan, you’ll need to take care of a number of academic and financial issues before you leave.
Please contact your academic advisor as soon as you receive your orders — even if you don’t know your exact date of deployment — and they will be able to develop an action plan with you. You must contact your academic advisor if you intend to return to U-M after your deployment.
All decisions will depend upon your school or college, academic instructors, and date of deployment. You will need to submit copy of your military orders to your academic department and the Office of the Registrar.
Talk to your academic advisor. They can help you figure out what options are available and which may be right for you:
1. Complete the Term: If coursework can be completed remotely, you may finish out the term with guidance from the course instructor. Please weigh this option carefully and assess whether you will have enough time to complete the necessary assignments given your additional military requirements. Students who elect to take this option will not receive a refund for tuition or fees.
2. Receive an incomplete for all classes: If you wish to receive an “I” you need to contact your particular school or college for forms and requirements. You and your instructors will have to agree on a date by which all remaining coursework must be completed. Students who take an incomplete will not receive a refund for tuition or fees.
3. Receive the grade earned: For this option, coursework should be nearly completed by the time you deploy; work must be of high enough quality to receive a passing grade. (Note: this option should be implemented with extreme care and should not be used if significant coursework needs to be completed). Students who elect this option will not receive a refund for tuition or fees.
4. Drop all classes: You can withdraw from all classes and receive a 100% refund of all tuition and fees. (Note: Any class work already completed for the term withdrawn from will be forfeited. Students who elect this option will have to repeat any courses from current term to get credit for that course.)
You will also need to:
Email Philip Larson in the Veteran and Military Services Program and let him know you are deploying and when. We can then enroll you in a non-credit, tuition-free course that will keep you enrolled as a U-M student during your deployment. This will have many benefits including access to any online services, and keeping your priority registration. Plus for some academic programs this will keep you from having to jump through hoops to return to your academic program.
Email Michelle Henderson in the Office of the Registrar to tell her you might be deployed. Michelle is the certifying official for the university and will assist you in determining what your deployment will affect your VA benefits. A copy of your military orders will also need to be submitted to your academic department and the Office of the Registrar.
Contact the Housing Information Office (if applicable) by calling 734-763-3164 or emailing [email protected] to cancel your housing contract. There will be no penalty imposed for early termination due to military deployment. A refund will be issued to you on the unused portion of your housing contract.
If you live off campus, contact your landlord. You can break your lease 30 days after the next rent payment is made so you must contact your landlord and provide them with a copy of your orders early. The Service members Civil Relief Act of 2003 has more details.
Contact Parking & Transportation to receive a prorated refund on your paid parking permit on the amount you’ve prepaid (excluding the month the permit is returned).
Contact the Office of Financial Aid for administrative forbearance and deferment benefits for Student Loans & Grants. See especially Financial Aid’s Veterans page.
Planning for a deployment can cause stress for you and your family, and we strongly encourage you to consider meeting with a counselor at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) or similar counseling center. CAPS offers a place where you can discuss your situation and develop strategies to make your transition as smooth as possible for both you and your family.
Thank you for your service and welcome home!
The University of Michigan is here to support you as you transition back to school and your life at home. We will endeavor to make our part of it as smooth as possible.
If you were called to Active Duty status while enrolled at the university and are now returning, you’ll need to take care of a number of academic and financial issues:
Contact your academic advisor as soon as you receive your orders to return. Your advisor will be able to develop an action plan with you regarding your coursework.
All decisions will depend upon your school or college, academic instructors and your dates of deployment. Please discuss with your academic advisor what option is available and may be right for you:
If you received an incomplete for all classes: You and your instructors will have to agree when all remaining coursework will be completed.
Upon your return, please also contact:
Contact the U-M’s certifying official, Michelle Henderson in the Office of the Registrar ([email protected] or 734-763-9066) if you will be collecting VA educational benefits.
Deployment can be stressful for you and your family, especially if you were serving in an active combat role. We strongly encourage you to set up an appointment with Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) or a similar counseling center where you can discuss your situation and develop strategies to make your transition as smooth as possible for both you and your family.
Remember: You are not alone!
Talk to your academic advisor. They can help you figure out what options are available and which may be right for you:
1. Complete the Term: If coursework can be completed remotely, you may finish out the term with guidance from the course instructor. Please weigh this option carefully and assess whether you will have enough time to complete the necessary assignments given your additional military requirements. Students who elect to take this option will not receive a refund for tuition or fees.
2. Receive an incomplete for all classes: If you wish to receive an “I” you need to contact your particular school or college for forms and requirements. You and your instructors will have to agree on a date by which all remaining coursework must be completed. Students who take an incomplete will not receive a refund for tuition or fees.
3. Receive the grade earned: For this option, coursework should be nearly completed by the time you deploy; work must be of high enough quality to receive a passing grade. (Note: this option should be implemented with extreme care and should not be used if significant coursework needs to be completed). Students who elect this option will not receive a refund for tuition or fees.
4. Drop all classes: You can withdraw from all classes and receive a 100% refund of all tuition and fees. (Note: Any class work already completed for the term withdrawn from will be forfeited. Students who elect this option will have to repeat any courses from current term to get credit for that course.)
You will also need to:
Email Philip Larson in the Veteran and Military Services Program and let him know you are deploying and when. We can then enroll you in a non-credit, tuition-free course that will keep you enrolled as a U-M student during your deployment. This will have many benefits including access to any online services, and keeping your priority registration. Plus for some academic programs this will keep you from having to jump through hoops to return to your academic program.
Email Michelle Henderson in the Office of the Registrar to tell her you might be deployed. Michelle is the certifying official for the university and will assist you in determining what your deployment will affect your VA benefits. A copy of your military orders will also need to be submitted to your academic department and the Office of the Registrar.
Contact the Housing Information Office (if applicable) by calling 734-763-3164 or emailing [email protected] to cancel your housing contract. There will be no penalty imposed for early termination due to military deployment. A refund will be issued to you on the unused portion of your housing contract.
If you live off campus, contact your landlord. You can break your lease 30 days after the next rent payment is made so you must contact your landlord and provide them with a copy of your orders early. The Service members Civil Relief Act of 2003 has more details.
Contact Parking & Transportation to receive a prorated refund on your paid parking permit on the amount you’ve prepaid (excluding the month the permit is returned).
Contact the Office of Financial Aid for administrative forbearance and deferment benefits for Student Loans & Grants. See especially Financial Aid’s Veterans page.
Planning for a deployment can cause stress for you and your family, and we strongly encourage you to consider meeting with a counselor at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) or similar counseling center. CAPS offers a place where you can discuss your situation and develop strategies to make your transition as smooth as possible for both you and your family.
Thank you for your service and welcome home!
The University of Michigan is here to support you as you transition back to school and your life at home. We will endeavor to make our part of it as smooth as possible.
If you were called to Active Duty status while enrolled at the university and are now returning, you’ll need to take care of a number of academic and financial issues:
Contact your academic advisor as soon as you receive your orders to return. Your advisor will be able to develop an action plan with you regarding your coursework.
All decisions will depend upon your school or college, academic instructors and your dates of deployment. Please discuss with your academic advisor what option is available and may be right for you:
If you received an incomplete for all classes: You and your instructors will have to agree when all remaining coursework will be completed.
Upon your return, please also contact:
Contact the U-M’s certifying official, Michelle Henderson in the Office of the Registrar ([email protected] or 734-763-9066) if you will be collecting VA educational benefits.
Deployment can be stressful for you and your family, especially if you were serving in an active combat role. We strongly encourage you to set up an appointment with Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) or a similar counseling center where you can discuss your situation and develop strategies to make your transition as smooth as possible for both you and your family.
Remember: You are not alone!