Federal Tuition Assistance

Service members should speak with their educational services officer (ESO) or military service counselor regarding their education goals and approval of tuition assistance (TA) benefits prior to enrolling in courses at the University of Michigan.
Each service has unique requirements that must be met and/or completed prior to or as part of the TA application process. Once you have spoken with your ESO, you will apply for TA through your service.
Provides $250 per semester hour, up to 16 semester hours or $4000 per fiscal year (October-September). Lifetime limit of 130 undergraduate semester hours and 39 graduate semester hours.
1. Visit the ArmyIgnitED website to create an account and apply. You can request TA for a class up to 60 days prior to the term start date but a TA request must be submitted no later than seven days prior to the class start date.
2. Create an Education Goal:
Each soldier will need to submit an education goal through ArmyIgnitED even if close to completing their degree. The goal will be sent to your Army Education Center, and an Army education counselor will review and either approve, disapprove, or request additional information about the goal. Contact your Education Center if your goal is disapproved. You must have an approved education goal to apply for tuition assistance.
You will upload a degree plan during this step. You may generate a PDF of your U-M degree audit report from Wolverine Access. Go to Student Center > Academics > My Academics > View My Advisement Report or check with your academic advisor if one is not available online. After the soldier has completed two courses, the official evaluated degree plan will be required before the soldier can continue to request TA. If the evaluated degree plan is not uploaded during the education goal creation, the soldier will have to send it to the Military Education Center for upload.
3. Create and submit a TA request (add the U-M classes you are officially registered for, enter the dates of attendance, and select the applicable tuition rate). Our school does not upload course offerings to this system, so you'll need to enter the course information.
4. Send approved, digitally signed, TA request form to U-M Student Financial Services at [email protected]. Please indicate if you are Army Reserve or Army National Guard in the email.
The TA program provides tuition for college courses taken by active duty personnel during off-duty hours. TA is capped at $250 per semester hour and is restricted to a maximum of $4500 per fiscal year.
You must apply for TA online using the Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC). This must be done through the Air Force Portal.
Air Force policy requires you to create a goal and upload a degree plan via the AFVEC website prior to requesting TA (use Tutorials on AFVEC site). A generic degree/academic plan can be used for up to six semester hours until you have an evaluated degree plan.
You must request TA before class starts, maximum of 45 days prior to and minimum seven days prior to class start date. Your supervisor must electronically approve all TA requests (allow time for this).
Send approved, digitally signed, TA request form to U-M Student Financial Services at [email protected].
For questions about eligibility, please contact your ESO or your commanding officer.
Payment for tuition will not exceed the following caps:
As of Feb 2021, in accordance with ALNAV 004/21.
TA and NCPACE will be limited to a fiscal year cap of 18 semester hours, 27 quarter hours, or 270 clock hours (or combination). The fiscal year cap applies to both TA and NCPACE combined.
TA and NCPACE will be limited to a lifetime cap of 120 semester hours, 180 quarter hours, 1800 clock hours (or combination). The lifetime credit cap applies to both TA and NCPACE combined.
Detailed steps for applying may be found on the Navy website.
Applications must be submitted and command approved through MyNavy Education no later than seven days preceding your academic institution's published term start date. You are allowed to submit your TA/NCPACE request up to 120 days prior to your term start date. Submitting early allows sufficient time to resolve any issues and to review and authorize your TA/NCPACE funding in a timely manner.
Once approved, send the signed authorization form to U-M Student Financial Services at [email protected].
The Tuition Assistance Program will fund tuition costs, not to exceed $250 per semester hour, up to an annual cap of $4,500 per fiscal year. You can submit TA applications up to 90 days from the class start date, but no later than seven days prior to the course start date.
Apply for TA at MyCG Ed.
Once approved, send the signed authorization form to U-M Student Financial Services at [email protected].
The Michigan National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program (MINGSTAP) will pay $600 per semester hour not to exceed $14,400 per year for undergraduate students and $6,000 per year for graduate or certificate programs.
MINGSTAP is a reimbursement program. To utilize the reimbursement program through the Michigan National Guard, students submit an application online.
Public Act 33 of 2023 expands eligibility for tuition assistance to spouses and dependents of National Guard members. It allows one or more of the following individuals who are family members of the eligible person to utilize the eligible person’s tuition assistance established under this act. Spouses and dependents are described as
(a) A lawfully married spouse.
(b) A dependent child, stepchild, or legally adopted child who has graduated high school or obtained a high school diploma equivalent certificate, or who has turned 18 years of age, and who must use the eligible person's tuition assistance before turning 26 years of age.
MINGSTAP can be used along with Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA), and students are required to first apply for FTA funds prior to submitting an application for MINGSTAP.
For more information about the program, please call 517-481-7640 or email [email protected].
For general tuition assistance questions please contact: